The Aspen Institute, in partnership with Commonwealth, recently conducted research on Employee Hardship Funds and found that: “…workers felt valued by their employers because of their funds’ existence. As a result, 72% stated that they were more likely to stay with their current employer than leave for a company without hardship funds. In addition, the contributions of their coworkers generated a strong sense of community. One participant stated, “It made me feel like my coworkers had my back.”
"Many employers present information about their funds during employee orientation, to encourage newcomers to contribute. The appeal seems to work: At JetBlue nearly 100 percent of new employees who have heard the message contribute to the fund. Company wide, 65 percent of employees contribute."
"Help is at hand: some employers have set up tax-advantaged crisis funds to help employees cope with financial problems," HR Magazine, Nov. 2005.
If disaster struck your community, leaving employees in need of assistance, how would you respond?
Emergency Assistance Foundation, Inc. can build and implement your disaster-response fund within 48 hours. Your program, based on our Employee Disaster Fund industry best-practices, will be customized to fit the unique needs and culture of your company and employees.