The Emergency Assistance Foundation, Inc. is proud to partner with many community foundations. Currently, EAF has over 140 employee relief funds, 20 of which community foundations have either asked us to takeover the administration of or have facilitated an EAF introduction for a new fund. EAF only administers domestic/international disaster and employee relief funds so all other individual/corporate funds and donor/corporate relations are maintained by the community foundation.

Through this partnership with community foundations and their client’s Disaster Relief and Employee Hardship Funds new relationships have formed. Initial points of contact have occurred by the community foundations reaching out to us and other times the Company (Sponsoring Employer) have reached out to us and said they would like to include their community foundation, if possible. Our common goal is to try and make it work for all involved.

Typically, we work with community foundations and their clients/sponsoring employers in four basic ways:

  1. Community foundation(CF) introduces the client to EAF as a service to the client since this is not what the CF wants to do. CF maintains the relations with client in all areas except the Disaster Relief and Employee Hardship Fund. EAF sets up the Fund for the company and runs it as a standalone without the CF’s ongoing involvement.
  2. Community foundation is conduit of donations to EAF – Here CF receives the donations, maintains a fund balance and is conduit of donations as they are required to maintain a minimum three – six month expected grant request balance.
  3. Community foundation has and administers employer sponsored Disaster Relief and Employee Hardship Funds. The CF works hand in hand with EAF to make all grants made outside the United States and/or by utilizing a Fund Outsourcing Alternative.
  4. Community foundation wants to learn more about Disaster Relief and Employee Hardship Fund Industry best practices and benchmarks and/or designing a specific fund. We provide this service through Charitable Solutions, LLC.


Our Founder, Bryan Clontz, and President, Doug Stockham, have a long and deep community foundation history. Bryan served as a Vice President of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta from 1997-2003, and has consulted with over 250 community foundations and has a family fund at his local Foundation. Doug, served on the board of an SO for real estate donations of the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham from 2005 – 2007 and as Vice Chairman of the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties from 2009 – 2018. Doug maintains donor advised funds at both the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham and the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties.