We specialize in serving multinational employers seeking expertise in both international and domestic donations and grants. Specifically, we provide services in translation, grant vetting and processing, currency conversion and international information security. Please note that some of the funds we administer have no employees based domestically, while some only have funds that serve domestically with no international presence.


  1. A Russian employee faced a significant financial hardship while caring for her elderly parents. She was the sole provider for her family and dependent parents. Routine doctor visits kept her out of work and with increasing medical costs, the employee applied for assistance. All documentation submitted with the application was written in Russian and all receipts and bills were in Russian rubles. Emergency Assistance Foundation partnered with a well-known company to translate the documents into English and then conducted a full application review. The application was approved and the grant was funded to the employee in Euros.
  2. An employee in Belgium passed away suddenly, leaving the family to pay funeral expenses. The final costs placed the family into a financial hardship. The family requested assistance. All documentation submitted with the application was written in French and all receipts were in Euros. An EAF staff member translated the documents for grant review. The application was approved and the grant was funded to the family in Euros.


In addition to our own translators, the EAF has a direct partnership with VerbalizeIt, a robust language translation service which offers nearly 19,000 translators in 150 languages in more than 140 countries and dialects. With this service, each grant application is reviewed by two translation experts to ensure the most accurate communication. Additionally, non-English speaking employees who have any questions about your fund can quickly and easily receive over-the-phone interpretation, as well. As a result, your employees, no matter where they live and work, will be understood and have their needs met.